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Category Archives: Research

Selected research from scientific and biological findings.

Natural Supplements Much Safer Than Drugs or Food

Alan L. Miller, ND from Thorne Research highlights the safety of natural supplements compared to drugs and food. Not surprisingly Natural Supplements are, by far and away, the safest health alternative.

The Pharma Bulls are Loose, and it’s the End of Democracy in America

Dr. Lyons-Weiler states the case of pharma domination of the health industry and of our medical freedom of choice. And as Robert DeNiro put it, once you use your freedom of speech against big pharma, “something happens”. They try to stifle discussion as if alien troll mongers were standing ready to eliminate any talk of health alternatives other than drugs and to make sure we never even think there is any other reality. And yet when you actually look deeply into their claims, by finding and reading and analyzing the studies and data, as Dr. Lyons-Weiler did, it becomes quite clear they are based more on wishful thinking than clearly proven fact.


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__________________________________________ If you want safe, non-neurotoxic vaccines for everyone, given in an independently tested and verified schedule and combination, you are “anti-vaccine.” If you want transparency, accountability, and ethical science when it comes to vaccines, you are “anti-vaccine.” If you believe those who…

Mankind Rushes Towards Disaster as Bees and Pollinators Die Out..

The 20,000 or so species of pollinators are key to hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of crops each year – from fruits and vegetables to coffee and chocolate. Yet 2 out of 5 species of invertebrate pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, are on the path toward extinction, said the first-of-its-kind report. Pollinators with backbones, such as hummingbirds and bats, are only slightly better off, with 1 in 6 species facing extinction.

“We are in a period of decline and there are going to be increasing consequences,” said report lead author Simon Potts, director of the Centre for Agri-Environmental Research at the University of Reading in England.

Why Are So Many People Choosing Not to Vaccinate?

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Image Source: Southern California Public Radio (SCPR) Why Are So Many People Choosing Not to Vaccinate? By Speed The Shift – February 8, 2016 A Comprehensive Review of Vaccines – Part 1 of 12 What is With All These Vaccine Skeptics? Most people have…

Cancer Origin – Harvard Discovery Shows Genetic Link as Cells Loose Tumor Supression

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A Cancer’s Surprise Origins, Caught in Action Fri, 01/29/2016 – 10:07am Harvard University Most of the time skin moles are harmless, but they occasionally turn into melanoma, a life-threatening skin cancer. Leonard Zon and colleagues found that this happens when a single cell…