I’ve been very impressed with the recent flurry of studies supporting natural treatments that lessen a man’s risk of prostate cancer:

Good thing, considering a recent study of more than 500 male patients judged at high-risk for prostate cancer that found a fourth of them also had low scores on their Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) tests!

Researchers studied 520 men (more than half were African-Americans) between ages 35-69 with a family history of prostate cancer. Out of that group, 75 patients, who had normal PSA scores and abnormal digital rectal exams, received biopsies. A surprising 45 percent of patients were found to have prostate cancer, and 26 percent suffered from aggressive cancers.

Even more frustrating, 25 percent of them had PSA levels of 2.5 or lower.

All the more reason to stay ahead on the side of prevention rather than treatment…

EurekAlert May 15, 2005