A Vocal Ally in the War Against Antidepressants

Earlier this year, the FDA issued stronger warning labels for antidepressants, urging the monitoring of adults and children for signs of suicidal behaviors. This change was largely brought on conventional medicine by vocal critics like Dr. David Healy, one of the world’s leading experts on modern psychiatry.

After his 1997 book The Antidepressant Era, Dr. Healy became an outspoken critic of antidepressants and their toxic link to suicide, accusing psychiatry and the mega-pharmaceuticals — unknowingly or not — of soft-pedaling the damage they can do.

Funny thing is, according to this awesome piece in the New York Times, Dr. Healy’s temperament and self-effacing personality mirrors that of one of my heroes, Dr. David Graham.

And, just like Dr. Graham, Dr. Healy’s here-to-fore unpopular stance on antidepressants has made him a pariah among his colleagues, costing him personally and professionally — even though as it may have saved countless lives along the way.

New York Times November 15, 2005