Why Pay $1-2 for Directory Assistance On Your Cell Phone?

Last month, I told you about a directory assistance service you can access from your cellular phone for free: Jingle Networks’ 800-FREE-411 (800-373-3411). Leave it to the New York Times, my favorite newspaper in the world, to come up with more free alternatives.

Besides Jingle’s service, California-based inFreeDA offers the very same service (800-411-METRO), although you have to put up with ads, including ones for businesses on the other side of the continent from where you’re calling. To the good, however, this connection is a free one, meaning you may also save on your cellular calling plan by allowing inFreeDA to connect you.

Another free directory assistance option: Text messaging services offered by Google (dial 46645) or UpSnap Inc. (27627).

New York Times March 9, 2006 Registration Required