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Category Archives: Conventional Medicine

Health problems and controversies with conventional medicine.

Statin Drugs – Vaccinations – Pesticide dangers – Chem Trails

An interesting listen – Is Pure Science being Ignored and Manipulated for Vested Interest – Topics discussed by retired Neurosurgeon Russel Blaylock are – Statin Drugs Being Prescribed for Children – Side effects of Statins – Vaccination recommendations vs Real Science / Ignorance…

Pulling Back the Curtain on Tamiflu

By Dr. Mercola Anti-viral flu drugs like Tamiflu (oseltamivir) are stockpiled in many countries, including the US, for treating and preventing seasonal and pandemic influenza. Influenza can be deadly, but if you’re otherwise healthy, it typically is a self-limiting illness that runs its…

You Don’t Need a Weatherman To Know Which Way the Wind Blows

I was asked recently what my reason for not vaccinating my children was. I’ve been asked this many times. It’s an understandable question, coming from those who are shocked to learn that people even consider bucking the medical system and their infamous childhood…

How Corruption Gets Into Our Medical System…

Bill Would Add Nurses, Physician Assistants to Pharma Payments Database. Drugmakers disclose their payments to doctors, dentists, even chiropractors. But spending on nurse practitioners and physician assistants is excluded. Legislation in the Senate would change that. by Charles Ornstein ProPublica, Oct. 8, 2015,…

Hospital medical errors now the third leading cause of death in the U.S.

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New study highlights the fact that estimates in ‘To Err is Human’ report were low September 20, 2013 | By Ilene MacDonald Medical errors leading to patient death are much higher than previously thought, and may be as high as 400,000 deaths a year,…

American Academy of Pediatrics Cuts Ties with Monsanto

Months ago Mamavation learned that the American Academy of Pediatrics was in a sponsorship relationship with Monsanto, a chemical company and makers of DDT, PCBs, Agent Orange, glyphosate & GMOs. In fact, Monsanto has been deemed the 3rd most hated company in the…