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Category Archives: General

General categorical information

Practical Tips for COVID19.

It is spread human to human via liquid droplets from coughing or sneezing. Attaches to ACE-2 receptors in the lungs and then duplicates inside the affected cells, destroys the tissue and attacks the immune system. It can be killed inside the body by lymphocytes (killer cells, T cells) which detect the infected cells and then attack them by injecting them with enzymes that destroy and dissolve them. So keeping your immune system frosty during this time is a good idea. (less alcohol, no smoking, plenty of water, antioxidants, vitamins/minerals, helpful herbs, and a well-balanced diet if possible.

The Gut’s Role in Parkinson’s Disease

Articles ­– Dr. Mercola Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder in which neurons and dopamine-producing cells in your brain begin to die. Symptoms progress over time and include tremors, slow movements, rigid limbs, shuffling gait, stooped posture and an inability to move. Patients…

Gut Bacteria and Dementia Linked.

HONOLULU — Depletion of certain gut bacteria, and an elevated level of other bacteria, are associated with an increased risk for dementia, a new study suggests. “Although our study has numerous limitations, the results suggest that the gut microbiome could be a new…

Remove Your Zombie Cells for Better Health

Senescent cell research moves into human trials Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 7:24 AM via Mayo Clinic Research news and Discovery’s Edge researcher in a laboratory working with test tubes for clinical trials Rochester, Minn. — Mayo Clinic researchers, along with collaborators from…

Over $4 Billion Paid for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

by TVR Staff Published January 9, 2019 | Vaccination, Risk & Failure Reports Over $4 Billion Paid for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths A Dec. 1, 2018 update by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) on the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program…

Anyone Interested in Some Facts About Climate Change?

 From ice core samples, (measurements which were made prior to 1950), the levels have been between 250–300 ppm for thousands of years (quite stable). (There are some controversies over the accuracy of using ice core samples). So the general consensus backed by evidence would show that CO2 levels have increased sharply during the last few hundred years. So if we take 250ppm increasing to 400ppm we get 37.5% increase (or what is commonly heard, 40% increase over the last several hundred years).