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Category Archives: Health Controversies

Controversial and political topics regarding health care, products and services.

EPA Ignores Mercury Level Warnings

The Environmental Protection Agency ignored scientific evidence and agency protocols in order to set limits on mercury pollution that would line up with the Bush administration’s free-market approaches to power plant pollution, according to a report released yesterday by the agency’s inspector general.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort Don St. John, P.A. Adult Outpatient Psychiatry University of Iowa Department of Psychiatry Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed Creation Date: June 1998 Last Revision Date: January 31, 2000 St. John’s Wort St.John’s wort is used to treat mild to…

Green tea from China found to be contaminated with alarming levels of pesticides

Green tea from China found to be contaminated with alarming levels of pesticides China is angry over a test of its green tea exports that turned up alarming levels of pesticides. But rather than turning to its agricultural practices and limiting the use…

Vitamin E Discussion continues

Feb. 11, 2005; Intake of a mixture of vitamin E tocopherols from food sources rather than from supplements is associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), according to the results of a large prospective study published in the February issue of…

Are Flu Vaccinations Unnecessary

Monday, February 14, 2005 11:00 PM EST The Associated Press By CARLA K. JOHNSON A new study based on more than three decades of U.S. data suggests that giving flu shots to the elderly has not saved any lives. Led by National Institutes…

Vitamin E Controversy

I just read that vitamin E should be avoided because it increases the risk of death. Is this true? Should I stop taking vitamin E?

I understand your concern. Here’s the story: results of a new analysis from Johns Hopkins University suggest that taking daily doses of vitamin E that exceed 400 international units (IU) can increase the risk of death. The researchers arrived at their conclusion after analyzing death rates in 19 unrelated clinical trials that studied vitamin E supplementation for various health conditions.