Obama wants school vending machine changes
Administration will ask Congress to rid machines of junk food
updated 3:03 p.m. CT, Mon., Feb. 8, 2010
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration will ask Congress to improve childhood nutrition by ridding school vending machines of sugary snacks and drinks and giving school lunch and breakfast to more kids.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said the administration will seek changes when Congress overhauls the Childhood Nutrition Act.
“Our children deserve better nutrition, and our country’s better and brighter future depends on it,” Vilsack said. “And with the reauthorization of the Childhood Nutrition Act scheduled this year, there won’t be a better time than now to act boldly.”
Vilsack’s comments were in a speech he was to deliver Monday, outlining the administration’s goals for school nutrition. His appearance was canceled because of snow.
The Associated Press obtained excerpts of the speech, which outlines changes the administration plans to seek in the Childhood Nutrition Act. A Vilsack spokesman said the speech would be rescheduled.
Child nutrition and obesity have emerged as key issues for the Obama administration. First Lady Michelle Obama plans to launch a campaign against childhood obesity on Tuesday.
Vilsack outlined changes that include a push to jettison cookies, cakes, pastries and salty food from school vending machines and cafeteria lines. Vilsack says schools need to help kids eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
“Food served in vending machines and the a la carte line shouldn’t undermine our efforts to enhance the health of the school environment,” he said. “We must have the capacity to set standards for all the foods served and sold in schools.”

The administration also wants to enroll more kids in school lunch programs and boost the number of schools offering breakfast. Vilsack said the administration would also push for bigger reimbursements for schools serving breakfast. ??In addition, the administration is seeking to link local farmers with school cafeterias and improve parent and student education about nutrition. ??Lawmakers from both parties have expressed interest child nutrition. Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss, senior Republican on the Senate Agriculture Committee, met last week with Mrs. Obama to discuss the issue. Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark., chairwoman of the committee, is expected to bring up reauthorization for the Childhood Nutrition Act in the coming weeks.