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Category Archives: Political

Continued Warming of the Environment Speeds Up Self Destructive Course

METHANE PLUMES HINT GREENHOUSE GAS COMING FROM AN UNEXPECTED SOURCE: THE OCEAN OCTOBER 16, 2015 SHELLEY HAZEN Oceanographers are disturbed by a new side effect of climate change — the bubbling up of methane plumes from the seafloor to the surface, where the…

Flu Shot Doesn’t Work So Your Job Should You Choose to Accept It Is to find Something Else It Does

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In the wake of the obsessive push to give everyone a flu shot that doesn’t work and the pathological attempt to find something else the flu shot might do, like prevent pneumonia, Doctors are looking more and more like desperate drug pushers. Oh…

Northern Ireland Bans GM Crops to Keep Clean and Green Image

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Northern Ireland has joined Scotland, France, Greece and Latvia in announcing a full ban on GM crops under the new EU opt-out regulations. Environment Minister, Mark H Durkan announced Monday that he is prohibiting the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops in Northern Ireland.…

What To Do When A Drug Study Disagrees With You – Retract the Study of Course

Retract Antidepressant Drug Trial, Experts Say A reanalysis of the now infamous Study 329 of the antidepressant paroxetine (multiple brands) shows that the drug is ineffective and unsafe for adolescents, prompting experts to call for a retraction of the original study. Study 329…

My Father Looked A Lot Like A Kennedy

a light also went out of our lives, as our parents and their generation fell into cynicism. No wonder our psyches rebelled under the corrupt satis quo that had killed our parents dreams, JFK, MLK, Robert Kennedy. The brightest lights of the generation.

Europe Bans Bee-Harming Pesticides; US Keeps Spraying | Mother Jones

Europe Bans Bee-Harming Pesticides; US Keeps Spraying —By Tom Philpott| Fri May. 3, 2013 3:00 AM PDT Darios/Shutterstock On Monday, the European Commission voted to place a two-year moratorium onmost uses of neonicotinoid pesticides, which are a widely used class of chemicals suspected…