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Category Archives: Science

Interesting developments in science and biology.

The Human Toxic Burden

Proof of Burden Scores of contaminants course through people’s veins Science News, Feb 22, 2003, by Ben Harder          Farm-field runoff, raw sewage, and smokestack emissions may contain a slew of poisonous chemicals. But how about a healthy person’s blood? Two independent teams…

Dietary Iron and Cancer

Transferrin Saturation, Dietary Iron Intake, and Risk of Cancer Arch G. Mainous III, PhD; James M. Gill, MD, MPH; Charles J. Everett, PhD Ann Fam Med. 5; 3 (2): 131-137. ©5 Annals of Family Medicine, Inc. AbstractPurpose: Transferrin saturation of more than 60%…

Dietary Iron and Cancer

Transferrin Saturation, Dietary Iron Intake, and Risk of Cancer Arch G. Mainous III, PhD; James M. Gill, MD, MPH; Charles J. Everett, PhD Ann Fam Med. 5; 3 (2): 131-137. ©5 Annals of Family Medicine, Inc. AbstractPurpose: Transferrin saturation of more than 60%…

Does The Variety of Exercise Protect Seniors From Alzheimer’s?

You may recall the results of a Canadian study I posted some time ago that demonstrates beyond a doubt how regular exercise helps patients ward off Alzheimer’s disease as they age. A new study by Johns Hopkins researchers bolsters these findings, but in…

FDA Continues Its Downward Decline By Approving Silicone Implants

Considering the rigged “debate” over Vioxx, Bextra and Celebrex generated a lot of attention and criticism in the media, I wondered if the FDA really understood what kind of crazy message it was sending to medicine and the public. Or if they would…