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Category Archives: Science

Interesting developments in science and biology.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr Drops Vaccine Truth Bomb Live On TV

Explaining to Tucker Carlson that this was only the second time he had ever been allowed to talk about vaccine safety on TV, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launched into a powerful attack on the vaccine industry, comparing it to a lawless mafia state.

Just Saying “We have the science.” Is not enough.

RE: Scientific Method Checklist:
“The checklist is badly needed. One cannot rely on the fact that a purported discovery was published in a high-status scientific publication. When we used the checklist to rate papers published in leading scientific journals, we found less than one percent of them to be compliant with the scientific method.”

Polyphenols Explored

Polyphenols consist of over 8000 substances found in a wide variety of foods that, due primarily to their antioxidant properties, are very helpful to a wide range of health issues  and conditions. This article explores them in depth.

Keeping and Eye on Genetic Modification

Modifying genes in an embryo to prevent disease or disability in that child and subsequent generations could be allowed in the future if certain criteria are met, said a National Academy of Sciences (NAS) expert committee in a new report.

Making sense… Toxic Load for Infants

Making sense about injecting toxins into the infant population.  Video…

We are grateful to The Autism Intensive – Expert Interview Series for providing this and over 30 additional interviews featuring functional medicine experts: http://theautismintensive.com.

And be sure to check out Dr. Thomas’ newly released book including his science-based, recommended alternative vaccination schedule and many more tips for keeping your family healthy and protected.

Medical Fascism and Your Life..

Erin Melendez (contributor) With this bill, the govt will be deciding what is in a child’s best interest–it removes the parental role. “(1) The right to parents, guardians, or caregivers who act in their best interest.” If Pan & the govt don’t like how you raise your kids, CPS gets to take your kids, and raise them, and medicate/vaccinate them, and put them in foster care where a surprising # of kids DIE or go missing or are abused–especially in CA. (states get federal $ for each kid they place into foster care). This bill is VAGUE and BROAD and unnecessary. “(7) The right to appropriate, quality health care” as determined by the state. This is all veiled language intended to deceive.