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Category Archives: Health Conditions

Health conditions and information related to these conditions.

Even One Glass of Alcohol a Day Can Lead to Bowel Cancer

The study showed that those who drank more than 30 grams of alcohol per day (less than two pints of strong lager) raised their cancer risk by about 25 percent.According to Dr. Walker, Cancer Research UK’s director of cancer information, “While there is increasing evidence that over indulging in alcohol can increase the risk of some cancers, research also shows that by far the biggest risk for life threatening diseases is the combination of smoking together with drinking alcohol.”BBC News July 30, 2007International Journal of Cancer July 19, 2007Dr…. It can also cause serious disruption to your delicate hormone balance.In addition to that, excessive drinking– just like smoking — may also be the cause of several other cancers, including:cancer of the mouthlarynxesophaguslivercolonbreastpancreas, and lungsA previous study on alcohol consumption and breast cancer, found that postmenopausal women who drink more than a half a glass of alcohol per day, and have low intakes of the B vitamin folate, are 60% more likely to develop breast cancer than those who do not drink alcohol and have the highest intake of folate.

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Dr. Ladson Hinton, lead author and associate professor of psychiatry at the University of California at Davis, said the findings had significant implications for men aged 65 and older, who were almost eight times as likely to commit suicide than women; that translates to 31.8 per 100,000 compared with 4.1 per 100,000…. They also examined gender differences, referral rates and histories of depression treatment, finding that older men were less likely than women to endorse depression symptoms such as feeling depressed or down (39 percent versus 47 percent of women), report having lost interest or pleasure in things they usually enjoy (37 percent versus 42 percent of women), or report fatigue (62 percent versus 67 percent of women).

cbs2chicago.com – More Men Seeking Help For Depression

CBS 2 Medical Editor Mary Ann Childers reports experts say that’s because they don’t realize they are depressed, they just know they feel tired all the time, can’t sleep, are irritable or are losing interest in things…. “Men have been socialized in our culture to be stoic, and not talk about those things,” said therapist Robert Farra, Ph.D.Farra, who’s treated male patients from ages 16 to 90, says the consequences of depression can be deadly and may be a major reason that more than four times as many men as women die by suicide in the U.S. But treatment can work.

Science News: Sticky treatment for staph infections

VastagHoney made by bees pollinating a New Zealand bush can gum up bacteria, offering a potential new therapy for difficult-to-treat infections.A scourge of hospitals, the pathogen called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus defies most antibiotics. But a handful of ease reports notes that slather-ing manuka-bush honey on wound dressings seems to reverse staph infection.The edible honey failed to sell in New Zealand because of its bitter taste, but for hospitals, it may be just what the doctor ordered.Rose Cooper of the University of Wales Institute at Cardiff turned an electron microscope on S.

Five Powerful Reasons to Eat Slower

Our modern lifestyle is built around speed, but as a previous article pointed out, living the fast life may rob you of the good life…. You may or may not be ready to switch pace in all areas of your life, but eating slower has several benefits that, overall, may pave the way to a more fulfilling existence.What can you gain from slowing down at mealtime?Lose weight.

Diabetes Drug Avandia — Side Effect Reports Triple

Reporting suspected side effects of a drug is voluntary and completely unenforced, which leads to a rather haphazard, incomplete and incorrect evaluation of the real damage being inflicted.Avandia has been on the market for eight years, even though GlaxoSmithKline’s own analysis indicated heightened cardiac risks at least a year before the New England Journal study was published…. Yet the FDA stood idly by, allowing an untold number of individuals to put their lives at risk. No doubt thousands have already lost their lives unnecessarily.Not only is type 2 diabetes completely preventable, but it is virtually curable for anyone who is willing to put in the hard time and work and recovering their insulin and leptin sensitivity.