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Category Archives: Health Treatments

Health treatment suggestions.

HoustonChronicle.com – Teenage girls’ radical dieting can cause obesity, study says

Associated Press RESOURCESRESEARCH FINDINGSThe four-year study suggests:• Eating disorders: Those girls are more prone to obesity than those who eat high-fat foods or sometimes binge.• Surroundings: That environmental factors may serve as predictors for obesity.• Race and ethnicity: Black adolescent girls are more…

Does The Variety of Exercise Protect Seniors From Alzheimer’s?

You may recall the results of a Canadian study I posted some time ago that demonstrates beyond a doubt how regular exercise helps patients ward off Alzheimer’s disease as they age. A new study by Johns Hopkins researchers bolsters these findings, but in…

FDA Continues Its Downward Decline By Approving Silicone Implants

Considering the rigged “debate” over Vioxx, Bextra and Celebrex generated a lot of attention and criticism in the media, I wondered if the FDA really understood what kind of crazy message it was sending to medicine and the public. Or if they would…

Folic Acid Metabolism

  Single Nucleodtide Polymorphisms or snips are variations in genetic nucleotide sequences that are associated with almost all diseases. These gentitic variations form proteins that have abnormal shapes making them unable to key and lock in normal functional responses. Folic acid metabolism has…

How’s Your Health?

by Dr. Brian Roettger DC, HMD With all our dependence on otc, prescription, recreational drugs, and natural supplements, actual health gets lost in the maize. For the majority of Americans, the prevalent philosophical outlook on medicine is the quick fix. Just give me…

Breastfeeding Protects Children Against Transient Wheezing

By Bruce Sylvester SAN ANTONIO, TX — March 24, 2005 — Breastfeeding offers young children protection from onset of transient wheezing, researcher reported at the 61st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. “We found that breastfeeding made it…