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Category Archives: Health Treatments

Health treatment suggestions.

Vitamin D Protects Elderly From Falls

Vitamin D Protects Elderly From Falls: I came across an interesting analysis in this week’s British Medical Journal about the elderly and their lack of vitamin D. The author of the piece recommends giving elderly patients high doses of vitamin D supplements to…

Liquorice stops ‘herpes’ cancer

A compound in liquorice root may help to stop people with a herpes virus from developing cancer, research suggests.

A team at New York University found the compound – glycyrrhizic acid – could stop the virus triggering a form of cancer called Kaposi sarcoma.

The disease causes tumours to develop in tissues below the surface of the skin and is often found in people with a depressed immune system.

The research is published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Plant Derivative Kills Leukemia Cells

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Parthenolide, a chemical derived from the feverfew plant, destroys acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells, leaving normal bone marrow cells relatively unscathed. Moreover, the compound may get at the root of the disease because it also kills stem cells…

Herb Used To Treat Diabetes Works Like Modern-day Prescription Drugs, Study Suggests

Herb Used To Treat Diabetes Works Like Modern-day Prescription Drugs, Study Suggests Source: Ohio State University Date: 2005-02-21 URL: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/02/050218160028.htm Herb Used To Treat Diabetes Works Like Modern-day Prescription Drugs, Study Suggests COLUMBUS, Ohio – An herb used in traditional Indian medicine to…

Activated Charcoal Liver Poultice

Activated Charcoal Liver Poultice Liver Poultice: First, mix 2-3 tablespoons of Activated Charcoal/Carbon with enough Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Gel to make a paste, that is neither runny or very dry. Alternate: Use Psyllium Seed or Flax Seed + Hot Water (pure) to…

Avocado nutrition

Avocado Receives “R” Rating Includes Recipe Below If a motion picture were produced on the history of the avocado, the film might have the dubious distinction of receiving an “R” rating for “mature audiences.” The opening scene might feature a group of actors…