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Hawaii lawmakers kill vaccine bill (Scientific research ignores vaccine side effects in their research)

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  Congratulations to Hawaii for making a smart choice. There is a difference between what scientific research has debunked vs what scientific research has ignored. Once again the public is ridiculed for making common sense observations against vested interest. _________________________________________ By MARINA RIKER Associated Press HONOLULU…

Cancer Origin – Harvard Discovery Shows Genetic Link as Cells Loose Tumor Supression

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A Cancer’s Surprise Origins, Caught in Action Fri, 01/29/2016 – 10:07am Harvard University Most of the time skin moles are harmless, but they occasionally turn into melanoma, a life-threatening skin cancer. Leonard Zon and colleagues found that this happens when a single cell…

Study Finds Risk of Pulmonary Embolism From Ultrasound

Fri, 01/29/2016 – 10:36am Yale University (Image: Shutterstock) Ultrasound is the most common technique for detecting a widespread cardiovascular condition: blood clots in the leg, otherwise known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). But there’s a little known — yet serious — risk to…

Antioxidants in Black Raspberries Beat Out Other Berry Cousins Threefold

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Mon, 01/04/2016 – 8:15am Bevin Fletcher, Associate Editor New research from the University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland, says people in Central Europe looking for superfoods high in healthy antioxidant-rich foods should look no further than black raspberries. Antioxidants are often touted as…

High Dose Vit D Could Help People with MS

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High Dose of Vitamin D Could Help People with MS Thu, 01/07/2016 – 9:04am Bevin Fletcher, Associate Editor New research says a high dose of vitamin D is safe and may be beneficial for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). “These results are exciting,…

Neurotransmission pathway of GABA Linked to Autism Cause Still Unknown

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In a discovery that could offer valuable insights into understanding, diagnosing, and even treating autism, Harvard scientists for the first time have linked a specific neurotransmitter in the brain with autistic behavior. Using a visual test that prompts different reactions in autistic and…